Arron (VA7ZZA) and Paul (VE7TL) organized the Coquitlam Amateur Radio Club’s first Parks-On-The-Air POTA activation on Saturday, November 5, 2022. A 09:00 PDT set-up was planned, but due to strongRead More
Category: Activities
Everyday at 01:30 UTC, (17:30 PST, 18:30 PDT) you can join the BC Public Service Net at 3729 KHz. On Wednesdays evenings, we are proud to host the net usingRead More
Watch as we lift our 2nd multi-band quad antenna. Video courtesy of Ian Procyk VE7HHS.
The construction of our 3 new antenna towers is well underway. Progress is excellent. The three foundation holes now have the first layer of rebar installed and we are now positioningRead More