The Coquitlam Amateur Radio Club net meets every Monday at 19:30 PT. We start on the VE7MFS repeater (145.310 MHz, -600 kHz, tone 127.3 Hz) followed by FM simplex on 146.430 MHz. And if time permits, SSB (USB) on 144.220 MHz.
Action | Script |
At 7:25pm, go on VE7MFS and announce… | This is VE7SCC. At 7:30pm, we will run the weekly Coquitlam Amateur Radio club net and ask for a clear frequency. Thank you. |
At 7:30pm… | All stations, all stations, all stations – welcome to the weekly net of the Coquitlam Amateur Radio Club. This net meets every Monday night at 7:30 PM on this frequency, for the purposes of connecting the amateur radio community and announcing club information. This is an open net and everyone is welcome to join in. Please use standard phonetics when announcing your call and let the repeater drop before transmitting. Break. |
The club’s call sign is VE7SCC. Your net control for tonight is ______________________________ and my call sign is ____________________________. We are centrally located in the ancestral and core territory of the Kwikwetlem First Nation known as the Place of the Great Blue Heron – also referred to as the Riverview grounds in Coquitlam. The club is open often on the weekends. Please contact us if you wish to visit the club during the week. You can contact us by email, or by phone 604.523.0354. Our website is: We hold our regular monthly business meeting on the last Thursday of every month at 7:30 PM (no meetings in June, July, August, December). The meetings are held in person at the club along with video conferencing. This is an open meeting, and visitors are welcome to attend. If you wish to attend by video, please send us an email. Break. | |
This net can be interrupted at any time for emergencies so come now with your call sign, starting with EMERGENCY or PRIORITY traffic. | |
If nothing heard, then continue. If you do get an emergency call, then don’t panic. Halt the net and take notes to manage the emergency. | Nothing heard. Are there any members of the Coquitlam club who would like to make an announcement? |
Are there any amateur radio operators who would like to make an announcement? | |
At the end of the repeater portion of the net, we will run a FM simplex net at 146.430 MHz followed by a SSB simplex net at 144.220 MHz. In addition, we can send a Winlink email to registered call signs if you would like to test your Winlink Express capabilities. Registered call signs only – no personal email addresses. Please indicate if you would like to participate in any of these sessions. | |
Respond to stations in the order they checked in taking note of any traffic. Between check-in groups, broadcast that this is the VE7SCC Coquitlam net, your name and call sign. | Before I call for general check-ins, I will first start with newly licensed amateur radio operators. I will now call for mobiles, portables or handhelds – in groups of three. |
Respond to stations in the order they checked in taking note of any traffic. Between check-in groups, broadcast that this is the Coquitlam net, your name and call sign. | I will now call for general check-ins – in groups of three. |
CLOSE THE NET If no one checks in after about 1 minute, then broadcast… | This is a last call for late or missed check ins. |
Give number of check-ins and thank everyone who checked in and who gave a clear frequency. | We have logged ‘N’ check ins. Thank you for supporting our net. With no further check-ins, I now close tonight’s repeater portion of the net at HH:MM and return this repeater back to normal use. |
If you will run the simplex portion of the net, then announce that you will move to the Simplex frequency. | We will now move to our FM simplex net at 146.430 MHz. |
Simplex FM portion of the net welcome. | Is this frequency in use? |
If in use, ask the stations if we can use this frequency for our net. If not, then announce that we will move to alternate frequency such as 146.460. | |
All stations, all stations, all stations. Welcome to the FM simplex portion of the Coquitlam Amateur Radio Club’s net. This is VE7SCC. Your net control is __________ and my call sign is ___________. This is a directed net and I will call out stations in order of the roster as recorded from the repeater portion of our net and call for general check-ins after the roll call. I will start with … | |
At the end of the list. | Are there any other stations that would like to check-into our net, please announce your call sign, name and location. |
Close the FM simplex portion of the net. | We have logged ‘N’ check ins. Thank you. With no further check-ins, I now close tonight’s FM simplex portion of the net at HH:MM and return this frequency back to normal use. |
OPTIONAL SSB Net | We will now move to our SSB simplex net at 144.220 MHz Upper Side Band. |
Simplex SSB portion of the net welcome. | Is this frequency in use? |
SSB Net on 144.220 MHz | All stations, all stations, all stations. Welcome to the SSB portion of the Coquitlam Amateur Radio Club’s net. This is VE7SCC. Your net control is __________ and my call sign is ___________. This is a directed net and I will call out stations in order of the roster as recorded from the repeater portion of our net and call for general check-ins after the roll call. I will start with … |
At the end of the list. | Are there any other stations that would like to check-into our net, please announce your call sign, name and location. |
Close the SSB simplex portion of the net. | We have logged ‘N’ check ins. Thank you for supporting our net. With no further check-ins, I now close tonight’s SSB simplex portion of the net at HH:MM and return this frequency back to normal use. |