Local area amateur radio nets offer a wide variety of benefits to newly licensed operators as well as seasoned veterans.
I was able to dispel all of my “mic” fright (shyness on the air) by finding a net that was controlled by an operator that went of his way to ensure that I was welcomed to the ham radio community. By attending the numerous types of nets, I was able to quickly pick up on the protocols (including how to relay a weak signal), terminology and the people on the air – all of which gave me the confidence to continue pressing the PTT button.
Types of Nets
There are various categories of nets that check-in visitors and frequent participants:
- Informational – pass along general information about amateur radio topics, events in the local area, message traffic, and more;
- Social – good ole’ “rag chewing”;
- Directed – the net controller will call stations by using a previously registered list of call signs or by region;
- Health and Welfare – general check on operators in the area;
- Emergency Preparedness – dedicated to contacting regional EOC’s (Emergency Operation Centres) or EMCR (previously known as EMBC) registered volunteers https://www.percs.bc.ca/
You can find nets on the various amateur radio bands. The most common are on VHF 2m (using a repeater or just simplex communication) and HF such as on (but not limited to) 40 or 80m.
Signal Reports
One of the advantages of checking into a net is to determine how well you are being received by the net controller and other stations on the net. The RST or Readability-Signal-Tone reports are used to inform the transmitting station on how well his or her signal is received using a standard convention. Here are links to a few references:
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R-S-T_system
- https://www.hamradioschool.com/post/practical-signal-reports
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMaQFo2CkCU
Nets In the Lower Mainland
There are many nets that you can participate in. We maintain a list that you can take select and advantage of: https://ve7scc.org/local-area-nets/
The Coquitlam Club or VE7SCC runs its Monday Night Nets at 7:30pm (local time): https://ve7scc.org/weekly-net/
We start with the repeater portion using the VE7MFS repeater following by 2 simplex nets: FM at 146.430 MHz and SSB at 144.220 MHz.
VE7SCC proudly hosts the BC Public Service Net on each Wednesday evening: https://www.bcpsn.com/
Net Controllers

Each club or organization is always in need of additional new net control operators.
And each will go out of their way to train you for this important service – on how to use the radio equipment, station logging software, protocols and more.
Please conider signing up at your club or organization – it’s fun and a tremendous service to the local amateur radio community.
Hope to hear you on one of the nets …