Club member Keith VE7KW (V31WK) and fellow operators, Neil VA7DX, Robert K5PI (V31AT), John WC0W (V31TP), Madison W5MJ (V31IT), Leigh WC0T and Steve WW0G will be active as V3T from San Ignacio (EK57), Belize, during the ARRL International DX CW Contest (February 18-19th) as a Multi-Single/Low-Power entry.
QSL V3T LoTW (no ClubLog). Look for operations before the contest by the operators.
Operators will arrive on February 13th and should be active on some bands the next day. They will be on 160-10 meters using mostly CW.
QSL V31IT via M0URX or OQRS. QSL V31AT via K5PI, direct, by the Bureau or LoTW.