ARRL Field Day 2024

This year, C.A.R.E.S.S. along with the New Westminster Amateur Radio Club and the 39 Canadian Brigade Group, held another successful and enjoyable annual ARRL American Radio Relay League’s Field Day on June 22 and 23 located at Blue Mountain Park in Coquitlam

Operators included VE7HHS, VA7NR, VA7EVR, VE7VT, VE7RA, VA7KHA, VA7DX, VE7STK, VA7ROH, VA7WZD, VA7PPM, VA7SFK, VA7TSW, VA7HHK, VA7CFK, VA7DOY, VA7VVO, VE7IHO, VA7OMM and others made contacts during the full 24 hour period in various weather conditions.